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About us

Smartphones Direct

Smartphones Direct (operating under Copyright Electronics Limited) is the place driven with ideology to save our planet from further waste and those three R’s (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) that have been taught to us from nursery!

We provide the best quality refurbished phones for our customers who are no less in quality and usability. So while we reduce plastic waste and much of technology due to the tinniest problem, we also help our consumers save some precious bucks.

It’s a win-win situation.

We have delivered over 100,000 units and counting making us one of the leading sellers of refurbished devices in the UK.

We are continuously growing due to the service and product that our customer gets. Suppose you have any contemplations, which one shouldn’t after the price we offer. In that case, you can also be assured of our 12 months warranty and the CLASSIC 14 days money-back guarantee.

This couldn’t get any better than this

We got you covered with quality checks and testing, and you get the same electronics, with the exact specification, but at a reduced price.

It’s Christmas morning here every day!

Our incredible team are here for you

Sandeep Bhakar​

Company Director
I'm Sandeep the founder of this company, I handle the wholesale side of the business, any companies wishing to purchase products of us in bulk are more than welcome to get in contact with me by filling in the business form at the bottom of the page or you can contact me personally at ""

Jordan Parker​

Head of Marketing​
I'm Jordan, I deal with all your queries and I ensure you have a smooth transaction with a quick delivery time.​

Emily Wilson

Research & Development
I'm Emily, I am in charge of buying stock and making sure stock levels are high. As we have contracts with most big brands we can source most items that they sell, so if there is anything you do not see on the website such as "apple airpods" be sure we can supply them whether you're a retail customer or wholesale customer.

Sam Gallagher

Customer Support
"Get closer than ever to your customers. So close that you tell them what they need well before they realize it themselves."
I’m so happy with the service from copyrightelectronics– my order was delivered within 48 hours and the thought and care they put into their products really stands out. Plus, their support is just awesome!
Sean Walsh
London, UK
I bought iphone 11 as a birthday gift for a friend. Fast delivery delivery. Will purchase it again as a gift and for myself!
Astrid Sorensen
Oslo, Norway
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On all orders above £100

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30 days money back guarantee

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